This article will show the selected and useful reference books and websites in Chinese Studies. If you have constructive insights, please leave a message for us in the bottom.

I. Xiaoxue Tang Grammatology Database


Database was jointly developed by the National Taiwan University Department of Chinese Literature, Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica, and Information Science Institute. Glyphs included in the database are Oracle, Jin text, Warring States text, Xiaozhuan and Kai script, to a total of more than 180,000 words.

II. The Complete Collection of Ancient and Modern Characters


古今文字集成(是一個集古今文字释義、字形更革、音韻演變之大全的大型在線辭書。我們致力於提供更完美的一站式字典查詢服務。所謂古今文字之古文指的是1949年以前使用的漢字,而今文指的是現代的簡化字(非簡體字)。由於簡體字、簡化字、繁體字(正體字)的關係錯綜複雜,本網站收錄Unicode規定的所有漢字(不含CJK Extention E)在現代字典中的解釋、古代字書(如《康熙字典》、《說文解字》)中的解釋、字形更革(目前僅收錄從甲骨文到小篆的字形及敦煌異體字)、音韻演變(從上古音至近古音)、各方言的讀音,以及在其他語言中的翻譯、對音。

III. Multi-function Chinese Character Database


With Archaic Script Forms,Etymologies,English-Chinese Lookup,& Word-formations Phonologically Disambiguated According to the Cantonese Dialect.

To be continued...