Maybe you heard Web3, Bitcoin, NFT, and so on. They are all related DeFi (Decentralized Finance), which is different from traditional CeFi (Centralized Finance).
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Linguistic Datasets | Focus on collecting linguistic datasets and materials
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AIGC (AI Generated Content), particularly chatbot, might be definitely one of the hottest topics recently. ChatGPT (Chat Generative Pretrained Transformer,, an AI language model developed by OpenAI, almost dominated the AI-chatbot and text-generator filed.
As we all know, due to the outstanding ideographic characteristics of Chinese characters, grammatology has a long history in China and is very popular. However, since the late Qing Dynasty, the Chinese-English translation of ancient grammatology terminology, has encountered considerable difficulties. Fortunately, some scholars have noticed this problem. For example, in this article, the following part is the translation of two Berkeley scholars.
This article will show three exciting digital humanistic projects in Tang Poetry and Song Ci. Two of them are from Visual Team in Zhejiang University, and one is from Lingdong Huang.
(Updated: May 1st ~ 5th, 2020 · Via Weibo Aikeke)